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Easter Weekend

The period from Good Friday to Easter Sunday is one of, if not, the most important events in Christian faith.  This sacred sequence of events – comprising Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday – encapsulates the profound journey of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, as well as the birth of mankind's salvation.

Although Jesus was severely beaten, ridiculed, and overall inhumanely treated, it is a pivotal day in the Christian faith. Good Friday marks the climax of Christ's earthly ministry, culminating in his crucifixion. This day is characterized by solemn reflection and reverence as us believers contemplate the sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus' willingness to endure suffering and death for the redemption of humanity. The crucifixion of Jesus serves as a reminder of the profound cost of salvation and the depth of God's mercy and love for us. We as humans deserve not one thing Jesus did for us. It is because we are loved by God that he sent his only Son to come and die for our sins, according to one of the Bible’s most notorious verses John 3:16. 

Nestled between the sorrow of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday, Holy Saturday is something that is often looked past.. It is a day of quiet anticipation and solemn expectation. On Holy Saturday, we pause to reflect on the mystery of Christ's descent into the realm of the dead, hell,  awaiting his triumphant resurrection. It is a day of waiting, watching, and preparing for the dawn of Easter.

Holy Saturday commemorates the harrowing of hell – Jesus’s descent into hell to proclaim liberation to the souls held captive there. This profound act of redemption emphasizes the broadness of Christ's salvific mission, extending the promise of salvation to all humanity, past, present, and future. Holy Saturday, therefore, represents a liminal space between death and new life, embodying the hope of resurrection.

Easter Sunday celebrates the triumph of life over death and the victory of Christ over sin and the grave. It is a day of jubilation, marked by joyous hymns, festive gatherings, and the proclamation of Christ's resurrection. The empty tomb serves as a symbol of hope, signaling the dawn of a new era where death is conquered and eternal life is made possible through Jesus Christ.:

As we celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ once more, may we embrace truly the solemnity of Good Friday, the contemplative spirit of Holy Saturday, and the exultant joy of Easter Sunday. May these days serve as a reminder of the enduring hope found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, inspiring hearts and minds to live in the light of his victory over sin and death. Amen.


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