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God and Mental Health: Our Divine Prescription

Hello everyone, I’m Richmond and I’m back with another blog! In this piece, we will be talking about mental health, specifically how God plays a role in strengthening our mental health. First, we must define mental health and everything it encompasses. Mental health can be identified as a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can affect how a person may feel, think, and act. In today’s world, the pursuit of good mental health and well-being is something that is very sought after. Many people choose to use therapy and various other methods to achieve a strengthened mental health. But what some of us forget is that we have been given THE divine prescription: God. Psalms 46:1 tells us, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” The Bible literally tells us that we can find safety and strength in Christ. No matter what we’re going through, He will always be there for us to get through. This isn’t even the only instance where the bible tells us this. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.“ In times when our mental health is poor, we may find that we feel weak and alone. But, no matter what, God will never leave us, and He will be our strength when we feel weak. So, in all things, we should go to Him, because He will be right there with us from start to finish. Lastly, Psalm 34:4-5 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." When we are feeling lost or down, we must seek the Lord. When we call upon his name, no matter the situation He will always show up and work for our good. Despite all this, we have to acknowledge doing this can be easier said than done. I get it, as a teen Christian, one of the many things I have struggled with is my mental health, and I’m sure many other people struggle with the same. It can be hard to balance your life in terms of school, work, and many other things that one may be involved in. But, if we put the effort in and seek His face, surely things will be better for us in the end. In conclusion, God is our ultimate divine prescription. If we seek Him and put our trust in Him, poor mental health will never be something we have to face. If you enjoyed this, feel free to read more posts at!


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As Flow Temple, we aim to awaken our generation and spread the word of God to this and future generations. We know how difficult it is to fully dedicate our lives to living for God in this time and situation in which we find ourselves...


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