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God is the Supreme Judge

It is 11 pm and you have just committed a serious crime: robbing a bank. Your feet briskly shuffle to your getaway car as you can hear the police sirens wailing in the distance. This situation is either life or death if you do not escape, however, part of you feels guilty for the crime and wants to be held accountable for your actions. Your right foot elevates into the car, and you find yourself slamming the door shut. The sirens get closer and closer until your driver pounds his foot on the gas as if he was killing a snake. A moment goes by and you begin to slip into a moment of mental bliss. You begin to tell yourself that everything will be alright and that you will make it out safely. Unfortunately, to your dismay, the lights are as close as ever, turning your face red and blue as they flash. You have been caught and sent on your way to meet the judge: the determiner of your future at this moment.

In order for one to understand the nature of a judge, one must immerse themselves in a situation where judgment is necessary. In the mental illustration above, you had just committed a crime that warranted serious consequences. Such consequences would only be implemented by a judge, one who would decide your future steps based on what you have done. Being a Christian means obeying laws separate from those established by man. Having such laws means that we are not allowed to live anyhow, especially knowing why we are here on this earth, and who we serve. Just as one goes to court when they break laws on earth, Christians will attend court on Judgment day, where they will receive the ultimate judgment by the supreme judge: God Himself. Hebrews 12:23 highlights the supreme nature of God, announcing “to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect….” One must see how important it is to live a worthy and pure life in the sight of God. The Bible describes Him as the “Judge of all,” higher than the status of a judge in the supreme court. God “judges all”, so why do we continue to live lives of sin? If we are so afraid to commit a crime to where we are placed in front of a judge on earth, how much more motivated should we be in order to be seen as worthy in the eyes of the supreme Ruler and Judge of the earth? Such enablement should not come through mere fear only, but it should come from the fact that God sees and notices everything we do, even when men may not know of the existence of our doing. God hears all, even when the whole world seems to be occupied. God loves all because of the price his son paid on the cross. Why, then, is it so hard for us to stand firm in the things He has taught us?

Such answers lie within us. Recognizing the Supreme Power of God should enable us to come together in fellowship, condemning our wrongdoings in order to be made right. Just as you were taken to the court and tried for your crimes, God will try us for our menagerie of sins. Although, it is up to us in order to rekindle our relationship-walking in his footsteps or abandon him, receiving the judgment needed in order to exact a change in such an attitude that primarily caused the wrongdoing,

It is your choice; to follow God and have eternal life, or ignore him and face the necessary consequences, as one would receive in a court of law.


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As Flow Temple, we aim to awaken our generation and spread the word of God to this and future generations. We know how difficult it is to fully dedicate our lives to living for God in this time and situation in which we find ourselves...


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