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Joy that is Unexplainable

Life can get really rough. Suffering in life on earth is inevitable. It’s unfortunate, but it is simply how God intended for life to be. Joy is the same way. Experiencing joy on this earth is a gift from God, but what happens when you couple joy with times of adversity? The result is unexplainable joy. Yes, rejoicing in tough times sounds almost impossible, but rejoicing no matter the circumstance or situation is what Jesus wants us to do.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice.” (Phillipians 4:4)

When you find yourself struggling to rejoice, the best thing to do is go to God. Ask Him to enlighten your saddened spirit and trust that He will do so in due time. Sometimes, unexplainable joy is the best type of joy. When you’re so happy but you don’t even know the reason why, the blissful and jovial sensations can be amplified tenfold. As in all things, place your trust in God, so that He will bring you to that state of unexplainable joy.


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As Flow Temple, we aim to awaken our generation and spread the word of God to this and future generations. We know how difficult it is to fully dedicate our lives to living for God in this time and situation in which we find ourselves...


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