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Welcome to the Flow Way

Welcome to Flow Temple Ministries, where we aim to rekindle the fire of the youth, shine light on the Word of God, and become a big family in Christ through His teachings, and much more! Flow Temple strives to make the youth feel comfortable as Christians in this day and age. I’m sure we all know the struggles of being a Christian - especially as youth in this generation. We feel the need to fit in and find pleasure in the world, yet at the same time we want to glorify God and act like the children of God that we are. It’s especially hard when the times we are in have designated evil to be good and good to be evil. We, as Flow Temple Ministries, want to indicate that your struggles are understandable and relatable. We know how you feel, we’re youth too! We also have our own struggles, that’s why we look up to our faultless God. He doesn’t only save the perfect and flawless, but He specializes in saving those who are broken, those who have flaws, those who have burdens, and those who have difficulties. The same way God helps us, is the same way we want to be of aid to the youth through Flow Temple; so that more of us can experience the love of God and keep steadfast in our walk with Him,

For the Flow Temple Website, we have put in time and effort to ensure that we have beneficial and effective resources to be of use to you! In the Temple, we have blogs that briefly teach on matters that are relevant to youth. The topics we choose to enlighten on tend to either be subjects the youth generally have a hard time with or fundamental topics in Christianity. Everything written in our blogs are backed by or founded on the Word of God. Playlists make up another one of our resources. Music holds a lot of power over us and can influence our thoughts and actions, even if we don’t know it does. Worldly music is one aspect of life that Christian youth struggle with the most. The ideas behind the lyrics that artists promote are seriously important but often overlooked; when we expose ourselves to certain music, we can be heavily affected in our spirit. Our playlists provide alternatives in multiple genres so that rather than filling yourself with whatever the World is encouraging and feeding your flesh, you are feeding your Spirit and being positively influenced by God!

Although they are not available yet, brief video/audio sermons will be offered in Flow Temple. In these sermons we will talk about a wide range of topics, and we will also give you the option to let us know what you want to hear about.! For example, we may talk about God, Availability, or simply have discussions concerning scriptures in the Bible. You can contact us here at Flow Temple at any time! Just scroll down to the forum area. We are open to everything you have to say. We want to hear from you! Feel free to talk about anything you feel the need to, don’t be shy! Here in the forum section, we are always ready with open arms! This is Flow Temple Ministries! Where we flow, flow, flow! We hope you feel at home here on our website and come visit us at any time! And don’t be surprised if you see updates and new add-ons to the website in the future - because we are far from done doing the Work of God!


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As Flow Temple, we aim to awaken our generation and spread the word of God to this and future generations. We know how difficult it is to fully dedicate our lives to living for God in this time and situation in which we find ourselves...


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